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This is a really fun game, I like the set up of collecing parts but dang I need a checkpoint the ufo is not my friend lol

Muito bom!

I wish there were checkpoints. Collecting parts for like 10 to 20 minutes just for a chance to fight back against the aliens is super tedious. Dying restarts you back to the beginning, which is brutal. Needs a checkpoint right when all parts are collected.

I sucked at it but it was really fun. (pls don't fix the spinning on top of the weapon part bug, it's too funny). Only thing that annoyed me was the complete lack of a saving feature, specially considering the UFO is a bit... unforgiving. So it can kinda be frustrating. But besides that I had a lot of fun with it

I didnt find all the ufos but still I enjoyed it!! I love alien games 

Hey man thanks for playing! It’s crazy that I’m already halfway through watching this because I found it this morning.

You have found more UFOs than most people, I don’t think anyone has collected all of them.


Game is so cool but there are some bugs I faced. The ladder in the shed having a bug, I was stuck there multiple time forced me to restart the game. There is no checkpoint in this game. At least add a checkpoint when we collect all the parts. 4/5


Really cool! what engine did you use to make this?

Thanks! This was made in Unreal Engine 5.3


Nice this was really really good game I like it anyway well done keep it up!

Thank-you, I really appreciate it and I'm glad you like it!